Whenever I stumble across something online that I. must. have. like. now. I go through several stages before I commit to the purchase.
Stage 1: Bookmark the item so I can lovingly return for visits whenever I want.
Stage 2: Begin to think of reasons why I DO NOT need to own it (it's not the right season, I don't need any more dresses, do I even know if NEON is back in style??)
Stage 3: Add it to my online shopping cart just *out of curiosity* so I can see what the shipping and tax fees might be like if for some *crazy* reason I were to buy it
Stage 4: ...... I'm actually not certain what stage 4 is because usually at this point I have realized too late that my credit card numbers have already been entered and the item will be arriving in 2-3 weeks.
It is safe to say that right now I am only at a stage 1 with this dress by Equipment. I can't promise what tomorrow will hold but for now I hope my credit card stays safely put in my purse. HA-ha!
I mean, look at this dress! Can you blame me??